Accomodation in Valletta/Florana

Location & How to find us.

Our maisonette 8vilhena is situated just outside of Valletta entrance with only 7mins walk on foot. Floriana and Valletta are actually adjectent. Floriana is mainly divided into two by the main road passing through it (St Anna's Street) which leads to Valletta (a few mnutes away on foot).

The main bus terminus, which is situated just outside of Valletta entrance is only a few minutes walk on foot from our place.


Significant landmarks next to us are the Triton fountain & Valletta main entrance, Floriana Parish Church (dedicated to St Publius) and the Garnarries (a large open space where grain used to be stored underground.

Address: 8, Triq is-Suq, Floriana (vicinity of Valletta main entrance). (Meaning: "Market Street" in Maltese)


Photos of landmarks nearby to 8vilhena. The Floriana Parish Church; The Granaries: The Mall Gardens and
Valletta Waterfront Cruise Terminal

floriana map thanks to Google maps

Valletta Weather